Strategic Communications Consultant
Lou Bondi has worked as a strategic communications specialist with a political party when it was in power and taught philosophy and sociology at the University of Malta.
He was the chairman of a radio station, penned a regular newspaper column, organised some of the largest national events in Malta, hosted a very popular and insightful prime time current affairs programme on national TV for 22 years and created Where’s Everybody, one of Malta’s top media companies.
Since 2013, he has been providing strategic communications consultancy services to a few key, private firms.
Between 2013 and 2020, he was also appointed by the Prime Minister as a Board Member and Consultant to the Fondazzjoni Celebrazzjonijiet Nazzjonali with the remit to organise national celebrations and commemorations.
During the same period, he was also a consultant at the Arts Council Malta.
Today, Lou is considered to be one of Malta’s foremost communications consultants.